Precious Resources

A 501(c)3 Nonprofit

Precious Resources creates avenues through collaborative efforts with other nonprofits, community organizations, private businesses and governmental agencies for youth and young adults to overcome trauma, nurture their passions, and cultivate personal growth through mentorship, creative outlets, community engagement, sustainable living, business development and career exploration.

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Our Initiatives

A Announcement of Initiatives

Annual Youth Soapbox Race

A community Youth Soapbox Race to spur the STEM spirit in area youth and young adults through teamwork, mentoring and creativity. It is a community engagement, cross generational bridge to build back the village through interactions. A event that is more than gravity car racing. Join Us, grow with Us, support Us.

A Announcement of Initiatives

Social Media Influencers News Network (SMN)

Youth driven social media influencer network covering news, social media content, parody, promoting businesses and products, challenges, collaborations with other influencers, art and upcoming artist, events locally and regionally, disseminating information and redefining role models. Not to mention spoofs and remixes of so much more!!!

A Announcement of Initiatives

Kidz Cultural Experiences

100% donation give away to youth as a Community Reward System where everyone is valued. (Follow Events and social media for give-a-ways). Items such as electronic scooters, bikes, trips, plane rides, park tickets etc.

A Announcement of Initiatives

Video Game Challenges (VGC)

A (3) level video game challenge involving video game challenge, app, web and software development and AI programming. Youth and young adults enter into the gaming industry thru competitions locally, nationally and internationally as they grow in the digital understanding, landscape, behavioral models and community outreach.

Coming Soon

Coming soon icon for upcoming programs of precious resources

Drone Pilot Program

Drone Pilot Program Collaborative (DCCP) effort to grow drone pilot professions, engineers, businesses and innovations amongst the youth in the Philadelphia Region. To create the change we need, it starts with more collaboration and less isolation. Join our collaborative efforts to make the Philadelphia Area awesome for the futures generations .

Coming soon icon for upcoming programs of precious resources

Green Xchange

An Urban sustainable green resource program and business model to create new urban farmers collaborative lead by youth which are mentored by local/community gardeners, experts within the field, seniors, and local horticulture groups.

Coming soon icon for upcoming programs of precious resources

Art in the Urban Environment (AUE)

A Youth Driven Reinventing of the displays of cultural Art in public areas from those in the culture and community who embrace the art known as graffiti. Seeking to grow the culture of artistic design and display, decrease public property defacement and enhance community engagement in an art misunderstood.

Coming soon icon for upcoming programs of precious resources

Infinite Rope

Modernized Boys/Girls mentorship using the trade/technical, healthcare and everyday expertise of all skills in an apprenticeship model to address real world application and aspirations amongst youth and young adults.